Home | The following is a lecture that I have given over a number of years and in various places. It is a beginning baby step only toward understanding Jungian psychology, which is much deeper and more complex. The question is -why do dreamwork? Why learn to interpret your dreams? If we say we are interested in personal growth, or we want to grow spiritually- what is the basic tenet? How do we do it? The obvious first step is to develop a spiritual practice - it does not matter which spiritual path you decide to explore you must be doing some practice of prayer and meditation prescribed by that particular path. That is the "doing" the action that you must take. The second action is to learn about that path and to engage your intellect in learning. The third step is to come to "know yourself ", who are you in relation to yourself? Who is it that is seeking God? Who is it that wants to come into relationship with God? From the beginning of time, seekers and saints have always preached that the search for self is integral to the search for God, that the two are inextricably bound together. Bro. Lawrence, author of "The Practice of the Presence of God", is reported to have said, "When we enter upon the spiritual life, we should consider and examine to the bottom who we are." The unknown author of the Cloud of Unknowing, wrote: " Labor and sweat, therefore in every way that you can, seeking to obtain for yourself a true knowledge and feeling of yourself as you are; and then I believe that soon afterward you will have a true knowledge and feeling of God as He is" The conversations and teachings of Jesus all point to sincere exploration of oneself in order to come closer to God. He forcefully confronts the Pharisees and more gently confronts the woman at the well, all to the point that they take a closer deeper look at themselves. In the Gospel according to Thomas, Jesus is reported to have said: "The kingdom is within you and it is without you, If you will come to know yourselves, then you will be known by yourselves, And you will understand that you are sons of the Living Father". Four hundred years ago John Calvin wrote: "Our wisdom ..consists almost entirely of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves." Great mystics of all time always explored the inner person. When the great psychologists Sigmund Freud and Carl G. Jung began to study the unconscious in order to understand humanity more fully, to understand first the sick mind and then to be able to define what the healthy mind is. The "church" stepped aside and bowed to science on the subject leaving a gap between spirituality and psychology. Yet, our Spirituality and our Psychology are intricately enmeshed. Jungian analyst James Hollis says, "...the summons to self knowledge is as old as human consciousness and as infinite as the ocean. Indeed, we could stand a better chance of knowing the ocean in its entirety then we could of fathoming our own depths" The Psychological theory of C.G. Jung and its thought and practice is an attitude toward oneself and a methodology - not an ideology. I use the technique of dream interpretation with individuals and groups in my practice of pastoral counseling. I would like to share how and why this has become an integral part of my practice. I have been influenced very much by the work of Morton Kelsey. He has written extensively on Jungian psychology and its interface with spirituality and pastoral counseling issues. Morton describes in his book "Prophetic Ministry", how the called disciples ". were to heal the minds, bodies and souls of the sick, broken, oppressed and the forgotten." He goes on to describe that a living theology is based on a personal experience of the risen Christ and that God still speaks to human beings in dreams. He states that God guides and directs us in dreams toward healing, wholeness and a full relationship with their own selves and God. These statements confirmed my own experience and what I have come to know is true concerning dreams. At one of his workshops, on Dreams and Spiritual Direction, Morton held up a bible. He explained that he had cut out all the references to dreams. It looked like Swiss cheese. Another passage in "Prophetic Ministry ", confirmed my ministry and the ongoing work of dreams interpretation in my practice. "The priest or counselor, is the one who is or should be mediator of a vast realm of reality that relates to a spiritual non-physical dimension, rather than to the outer physical world and thus exerts the final most significant influence for good or evil on human life and destiny. It is this realm that is called the unconscious. I attempt to mediate and support my client's efforts and exploration of their own unconscious through their dreams. Another major influence on the formation of my philosophy has been the book, Spiritual Pilgrims; Carl Jung and Theresa of Avila", by John Welch, O.Carm.. I refer to it often in order to describe the parallels between the human psychological journey to Individuation and the spiritual journey to union with God. Theresa wrote about the soul and the human person in his or her relationship to God. Jung studied the psyche and the relationship of the person to his or her own depths. Each illuminates our interiority but from a different perspective. Theresa has been called a psychological mystic because the journey to God, for her, is also the journey to the self. Theresa's writing,"The Interior Castle" is a document of Christian (of course other religions as well) individuation - which states that religious conversion effects psychological transformations. I like to call Carl Jung a mystical psychologist because I feel his idea of the journey to the individuated self is also a journey to God. I use the image of the Chambered Nautilus shell in my efforts to depict the spiritual and psychological journey. Jung and Theresa both describe the process as a movement from the outer chambers toward the center where union with God "spiritual" and individuation "psychological" transformation are realized. Jung described that the integration of the psychic unconscious contents starts with the Shadow aspect of the personality while Theresa described the same occurrence as the "demons" rising from the self or personality. In each case the elements have to be made conscious in order to have some conscious control over them, to reintegrate them into the personality where they can be redeemed and overcome, transforming and perfecting the whole psyche. Jung described that if these contents are not made conscious they will become negative and autonomous - erupting to cause inexplicable negative behaviors. Dreamwork is a valuable tool in the process of becoming more conscious because the dream is able to bypass the sleeping defensive ego in order to deliver its message. The dream is thus able to bring to consciousness the demonic or shadow aspects which have to be dealt with as we proceed along the path. It is common for a crisis of some kind in conscious life to bring a client to counseling. A failure of the conscious mode of coping with life very often provides the golden opportunity to begin the inner journey. The powerful realization that one has lost control causes one to seek help, to say yes to some kind of a healing process. As a pastoral counselor I try to be attentive to the indications that the psyche may give that it has initiated the work of integration through the dreams of the client. Why is dream interpretation so useful? It is useful because it is through this art, because it is an art as well as a technique that one enters into a relationship with one's own unconscious for the purpose of healing and individuation. Jung observed a process of transformation taking place within himself and his patients which he came to call individuation. Individuation is a lifelong process within a person. Its goal is to bring into being a whole, complete and unique personality in which conscious and unconscious factors are in harmony. It also means individuality, a state of knowing our own uniqueness and becoming truly the person we were created to be. Jung described that this drive for self realization was directed by the archetype of the Self or as some might call it the Spirit within. The Self is the archetype responsible for the energy in the psyche's overall movement toward individuation. One of the goals of this process is to be able to bring the unconscious unredeemed aspects of the personality to consciousness to be integrated into the conscious personality. This process results in a relationship between the Ego and the Self which is called the Ego-Self axis or the process of bringing the Ego into service of the Self. Many methods both psychological and religious through out history have been used to facilitate this Ego-Self axis including prayer, meditation and dream analysis. Through the direct vehicle of the dream the contents of the unconscious and its elements in symbolic form are made conscious, interpreted and understood thus the task of understanding and integration is accomplished. Our dreams come without effort on our part. Our efforts to use and understand what has been given stimulate the Spirit within to provide even more helpful and healing dreams. I come from a cultural, religious and ethnic background in which dreams, intuitions and visions were respected and considered an integral part of daily life. I am a second generation Italian and I was raised as a Roman Catholic. It was common at breakfast, in my childhood home, to share and discuss the dreams of the night before. There was never a question as to whether a dream was meaningful but, the question was - what did the dream mean? Usually it was felt that the dream was prophetic - that it foretold of a happy event or it warned of an unhappy event. If it was interpreted as a warning one could pray and intercede so that the negative event would not occur. The dream language we shared was a symbolic one. Dream interpretation consisted of noting how certain symbolic dream images conveyed the message of the dream. Of course, from my perspective today, these interpretations were fraught with superstition. For example: a dream of a wedding foretold of impending death, pigs were a bad omen and babies a good omen. In retrospect, I see that the batting average was pretty high and that there was a high incidence of telepathic and precognitive dreams. So, all of my life I have been aware of the importance and revelatory functions of dreams. Later, in my own clinical psychology education, spiritual direction and analysis I learned more about the inner dreamer-the inner guide that provided dreams for my transformation and growth. I would like now, to explore with you the Theory of Jungian Dream Interpretation. Carl Gustav Jung, 1875-l961, a Swiss psychiatrist developed his theory of dream interpretation over the course of his life time. He was constantly testing and modifying it so that relevant information is to be found in all 20 volumes of his collected works. He never organized it into one volume because he never considered his formulations final. Others have done this since his death. By the l940's Jung had analyzed 67,000 dreams of his own and his patients.
SOME GUIDELINES TO JUNGIAN DREAM INTERPRETATION 1. There are no shortcuts. 2. It is slow and difficult work, 3. One's entire and unique life experience from conception contributes to the material of the dream. This material is stored in the area of the unconscious called the PERSONAL UNCONSCIOUS. 4. Universal images or archetypal images arise from the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS . the deepest level of the unconscious. 5. One formulates one's own symbology or dream vocabulary from these sources. 6. The dream guide or inner guide can be trusted that it will not show you more than you can stand to know. 7. It is very difficult to interpret one dream in isolation but a series of dreams can provide a great deal of information to the dreamer. 8. Occasionally one may have a "map dream" at the beginning of a new stage of life - a transition - or at the beginning of the analytic process. An example of a "map dream" is one in which you dream of traveling, or taking a journey. A young woman came to me for counseling, she shared a dream that she had one month before coming to me. In the dream she traveled to many countries in Europe, visited in each and met people of the different cultural and ethnic dispositions. Finally, she came home but, she was changed in the dream. This dream mapped out her entire counseling process. Each country symbolized a different issue, so for the next three years the dream was our guide and map in her successful healing process. 9. It is important to keep a journal book next to the bed to enter our dreams. When we begin to pay attention and honor the psyche in this way it begins to respond by providing dreams for our growth and understanding. 10. The latent content of the dream are the aspects that appear in a symbolic form. The manifest content are the aspects that comprise the obvious action of the dream - the events and people of the dream. Sigmund Freud called dreams '.the royal road to the unconscious." His method of dream interpretation was to have the client " free associate " to the dream symbols - that is to say the first thing that comes to mind in relation to the symbol and then to free associate or say the first thing that comes to mind in relation to that association and on and on. This process leads the dreamer further and further away from the original symbol. He believed that the symbols by-passed the dream censor in order to have the dream express unacceptable wishes and desires usually of a sexual or aggressive nature or power oriented. This was called the reductive method. One is made to free associate until the repressed sexual root or complex is uncovered. This approach does not allow for the Spirit. It is a negative approach. It presumes that the client, his inner guide, and the counselor are in an adversarial relationship and that resistance must be overcome. For Jung, dreams use a symbolic language that can be interpreted through amplification. One asks the question - what does this mean to me? And builds from there, all the possible ways the symbol may be communicating something helpful to you. It is a positive process. Jung stated that the process was guided by the archetype of the Self which can also be referred to as the Holy Spirit. He sees the psychic energy provided by the Self as positive and energizing not as Freud proposed- that the "libido" energy emanating from the " Id " was aggressive and sexual. Jungian Psychology is an experiential process dependent on the "a ha " of understanding which occurs when we actually experience the theory as it plays out in our own experience. It is also important with dreamwork to remember you are the author of your dream and your "a ha "will be the signal that you have interpreted it correctly. The following are important definitions of Jungian terms and how they are manifested in dreams. THE EGO- sits on the border between consciousness and the unconscious. It mediates between inner and outer reality. It contains our conscious personality; the part of us we refer to as "I" It wills, thinks, remembers and makes choices. It also contains our ego-defenses. The Ego maintains function and reduces tension by utilizing these defenses. Denial, Regression, Repression, Rationalization, Projection , Reaction Formation, Isolation and Sublimation. In order to maintain our functioning, it presses down into the unconscious, any realizations that would disrupt function. So we maintain function but at a price - it takes a lot of emotional energy to keep disruptive aspects from interfering with functioning. The PERSONAL UNCONSCIOUS - contains all of our memory since conception, our complexes and life experiences. It stores traumas, and anything else that the Ego cannot deal with - there is only so much that can be attended to in consciousness the rest falls into the personal unconscious. The COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS, according to Jung contains all of the memory and experience of humanity. Our History. The ARCHETYPES reside in the Collective Unconscious. We inherit the forms but the content is gathered through our life experience. The Archetypes can be considered to be psychic imprints, inborn patterns of experiencing.--the archetypes are pre-existent forms inherited in the psychic structure. An example I can offer is the archetype of "Mother". We all immediately get an image of " Mother " upon hearing the word - then we immediately start mentally filling in what our own personal experience of "Mother " is. The first action is the Archetype in its universal form and the second is the content we fill in from our experience. There is an Archetype for every human experience. The SHADOW resides in the Personal Unconscious. It contains personal characteristics which have been denied expression in conscious life. Usually it contains inferior personal characteristics but it may also contain undeveloped and unexpressed positive qualities or gifts. The SHADOW in dreams appears as an unknown entity of the same sex as the dreamer. It feels undeveloped, primitive and threatening. We constantly try to ignore or repress it because we fear it will cause us problems. It will because it calls for its content to be made conscious, in response we will have to change and it functions ultimately for the purpose of self enlightenment and growth. The Shadow may show up in a dream as a threatening figure, i.e. a burglar who chases you, etc. This figure and the positive or negative contents it symbolizes must be confronted, understood and integrated in our conscious personality. As our conscious personality is being shaped in childhood our parents, church, school and society define for us what acceptable behavior is and what is behavior that will be penalized. As children we quickly learn what behaviors will secure love, approval or at least some measure of safety the rest or unacceptable behavior cannot be expressed so it is repressed into the Personal Unconscious. At the same time gifts (i.e. artistic efforts) that are denied because the gift is not encouraged also drop into the unconscious never to be used. The following examples are of dreams in which obvious Shadow figures appear: 1. A man dreamt that a hooded Shadow figure appeared at the door of a hut in the forest. He opens the door to find the hooded figure carrying a lantern. The figure leads the dreamer out into the dark forest. It was interpreted that the Shadow had appeared to bring light or understanding to the dreamer's own inner darkness. 2. The same man dreamt of the hooded figure a second time. This time he was led to a crossroads where the dreamer's glasses were removed from his face and then replaced. He understood this to mean that the Shadow was going to provide him with a new vision for this stage of his life which was at a crossroads. 3. A dreamer is confronted by a "chatty pushy redhead" whom she later recognizes as an aspect of herself that she finds embarrassing. 4. A man dreams of a figure dressed in black who first gives him a love letter, tries to kiss him and then chases him as he tries to run away. He interpreted it to mean that there is a part of him that he has denied that wants to be reintegrated into his life but he is not willing to do this yet - so he runs from it in the dream. The PERSONA is a mask that we wear for the outer world. It represents the many outer roles we move through and by which we make ourselves known to others. When it is an appropriate Persona it protects us and keeps us from being too vulnerable. When it is undeveloped we are super sensitive to outer influences and we have weak boundaries. When it is over developed we are over identified with it and act as if the persona we project is all of who we are. It develops in our conscious personality at the same time as the Shadow does. It represents all that has brought us acceptance in the outer world. We use it to navigate in society. Dreams often depict the Persona as clothing or skin. We may dream of being over, under or inappropriately dressed for an occasion or possibly even naked in a dream situation. All of these depictions would indicate the state of our Persona and how we are consciously functioning in relation to it. Examples of the Persona in dreams: 1. A woman dreamt that she was naked at a staff meeting. She was the only woman on the staff. The dream communicated to her how vulnerable she was in her work situation. She had not been aware of it. The dream compensated for her lack of awareness concerning her situation and informed her so that she could make changes. 2. A woman dreamt that she had a multicolored cape that she danced and swirled around for others to see. (she referred to the multicolored dream coat of Joseph that had caused his brothers to become jealous of him in scripture) She felt that her persona had become inflated and that the dream helped her to realize this and change it. The ANIMA and ANIMUS are ARCHETYPES which reside in the Collective Unconscious. The Anima is the unconscious and unknown feminine aspect of a man's psyche. It functions in part to carry his spirituality, the muse or his creativity and it provides Eros or the ability to love and be relational. In its positive aspect it presents itself as the perfect women or a goddess. In its negative aspect it can present itself as negative, driving and witchy. It will appear in a dream as a feminine person of any age from a wise old woman to a little girl. How it is depicted in a dream will communicate to the dreamer information concerning the composition of his anima-feminine side. The Anima is the center and pattern of all the feminine forces within a man, the emotional, intuitive and instinctive side of his nature, comprised of the experience of all the women he has known especially his mother. Increased awareness of the Anima helps a man to integrate his spontaneous, receptive, sensitive and adaptable qualities along with warmth and genuine feeling- possibly compensating for his conscious aggressive attitudes. Each individual aspect of the Anima archetype will have a positive pole and a negative pole. Because dreams attempt to compensate for lopsided conscious attitudes - the anima usually appears in a dream when a man has been neglecting the feminine side of himself. During the second half of life failure to respect and assimilate the vital feminine forces into the conscious personality can have dire consequences. The feminine which has been repressed in the unconscious can then be projected onto an actual woman in the form of a goddess or witch. There are only two ways a man can "see" his Anima which are firstly, through the projection onto a real woman or secondly, in a dream. If he can re-integrate the feminine into his conscious personality it will become healthier. An Anima dream: A man dreams of a beautiful woman high up on a mountain. In the dream he has to climb the mountain in order to come into relationship with her. In another dream he sees a young woman who is beautiful and carefree. Instead of trying to relate to this aspect as an inner woman he seeks a younger woman in the outer world with whom to relate--- with terrible consequences. The ANIMUS is the unconscious masculine aspect of a woman's psyche. It provides logic and articulateness but it can be opinionated and driving. It carries her spirituality and it can help her impact the world in an assertive way. It can appear in a dream as a positive lover or as a driving, negative critical force. If the positive animus cannot be integrated it will be projected outwardly onto a real man, who may or may not really have these positive qualities. In our culture which is still patriarchical and hierarchical women do not form a healthy and balanced animus. In order to counter this strongly patriarchal culture woman may form a hero personality which can be very aggressive- while losing touch with her feminine relational, feeling, and intuitive qualities. This is called "animus possession". It is a sort of identification with the enemy. Examples of Animus dreams: 1. Dream of the torch bearer. A woman dreamt of a golden godlike youth who guided her along a shoreline to a place where he unrolled parchment maps and pointed her in the direction of future possibilities. 2. A dreamer had a series of dreams in which Richard Burton appeared to instruct her. The dreamer had previously had difficulty finding her own voice. As a result of the dreams and of the lessons of the articulate animus figure of Richard Burton she was encouraged to speak up and overcame her difficulty and became more healthfully assertive. This was accomplished by integrating into her conscious personality the energy and qualities of her inner "Richard Burton ". The SELF is the central archetype of the psyche. It expresses psychic wholeness. It is both the center and circumference of the psyche. It energizes and directs the functions of the psyche toward the goal of individuation. It can appear in a dream as a numinous unknown figure or a religious figure, i.e.: Christ or Buddha, or as a brilliant jewel or a mandala design among many other possibilities. One is always impressed by the awesome amount of numinous ( spiritual ) power it emits whenever it appears. A COMPLEX is formed in the Personal Unconscious level of the psyche. Its core is the archetype of a primal experience. Other related events, experiences, ideas or images cluster around the central archetypal core of the life event or trauma. Psychic energy gathers around the complex. When a complex is activated one can feel the effect of the energy that is released. This activation can interfere with our conscious functioning and the use of our will. I like to describe a complex as looking like a soccer ball with its facets of black and white. When something touches one of these facets the whole complex is activated and we reverberate with its energy. i.e. A complex can have a root in an early experience of abandonment. Other similar situations can activate the whole complex. An example: Imagine that you are going to meet someone, the person is late, you begin to go through several stages, at first you make excuses for the person, then you start to think something happened to them, and then you start to think you don't deserve this from them and start to get angry. You feel a knot in your stomach that has started to make you feel sick by the time the person arrives you are too distraught to hear their reasons for being late. Your "abandonment complex" has now been activated. We cannot escape forming this complex since there are many types of abandonment in human experience. Some are simple abandonment others are traumatic- which type it is and what other abandonment experiences have clustered around will dictate the severity of the complex. Complexes can be depicted in dreams by personifications of the complex or by representations of situations similar to the original trauma. It is often difficult to interpret dreams of this type because of the high feeling affect and protective repressions that occur. DREAM FORM The dream has the form of a stage play; therefore it would be helpful to give it a title. The dream unfolds -the participants, the time and place, as it begins. The plot unfolds and it forms a conflict or crises and the following events lead to complications. Resolution occurs. Something good or bad is going to happen to resolve the conflict. Lysis is the resolution that occurs - sometimes in a rationally inconceivable manner. Types of Dreams. 1. COMPENSATORY DREAM-The dream compensates for something not understood in the dreamer's conscious life. The dream may take the opposite view for emphasis. According to Jung the most important function of the dream is compensation. The dream catches up on things the dreamer did not deal with the previous day. The dream shows the underside of situations the dreamer did not consciously deal with. Thus the dream brings integration of the "material" of life. i.e. The dreamer dreams that he or she is going over the previous days events and their actions but in the dream they notice many aspects of the events that they had not consciously noted. i.e. The dreamer dreams that they are extremely stingy. Upon awakening they feel disturbed and accused but upon interpretation they realize that the dreams are pointing out that they are a stingy person not the wonderfully generous person they had consciously believed themselves to be. 2. REACTIVE DREAMS point to something that has to be changed in the dreamer's conscious life It sometimes uses shocking material to create a change in attitude. Recurring traumatic dreams are Reactive dreams. One may be reliving in the dream an actual forgotten event or one may be confronted in the dream with shocking material to promote understanding. 3. REDUCTIVE DREAMS depict complexes or root causes. The dreamer is brought to an understanding of repressions or neurosis. i.e. A dreamer had a series of dreams in which she regressed in age to an early childhood occurrence of abuse. The dreamer regressed in age from one dream to another until the last dream in which she was four years old. The dream did not exactly depict the incident of abuse but expressed enough about the circumstances so that the logical conclusion the dreamer could make was that the incident of abuse had actually occurred. There were other supportive elements to this conclusion as well. 4. PROSPECTIVE DREAM is an anticipatory dream - a preliminary exercise or plan in advance of waking action. I.e. dreams of taking tests and failing or passing them in advance of the actual test day are Prospective dreams. I.e. A dreamer dreamed a series of dreams in which the dreamer "rehearsed" steps he needed to take in order to alleviate a difficult situation at work. He was a talented and creative engineer and he wanted to present some of his innovative ideas to his supervisor. He was not consciously confident that he would be able to present them satisfactorily .Each night he dreamt that he went to his supervisor and demonstrated an aspect of his project proposal. He felt that he was being rehearsed each night by his dreams. In the mornings, he had the confidence to actually present another aspect of the project which was well received and subsequently implemented. 5. SOMATIC DREAMS: Bodily functions and health may be represented in the dream. It may point to undiagnosed organic disease and often the form of healing required. It may even point to the dreamer's own death. i.e. A dreamer reported a dream in which symptoms of high blood pressure were depicted. The dreamer had noticed that she did not feel well but was unable consciously to pinpoint the cause. She was found to have high blood pressure and was given medication for it. In this dream the "manifest content"- "the symptoms" were the message of the dream. 6. TELEPATHIC DREAMS: are interpreted by examining the "manifest content" or obvious action of the dream. The dreamer dreams of an actual event i.e. the death of someone at the moment that it occurs. Déjà vu is sometimes explained as the recollection of an earlier telepathic dream. A telepathic dream is usually of an occurrence within the personal sphere of influence of the dreamer. i.e. A dreamer dreams of a family member in crisis at the very same time it is happening at a distance. 7. PROPHETIC DREAMS foretell in specific detail future events which have importance to more people than just the dreamer. These dreams reveal a message on a wider scale. This form of dream is rare. I.e. Dreams before the death of JFK, 9-11, etc. 8. ARCHETYPAL DREAMS "When something turns up in a dream that has little or no connection with ordinary life, in which there are no railroads, streetcars, or houses, no parents or relations but where there are dragons or temples or something that does not exist in one's ordinary surroundings, then you can be sure that the unconscious is trying to convey the idea of something extra-ordinary and it depends on the nature of the symbolism to tell us what kind of extra- ordinary thing it is." C.J. Jung Psychical activity, archetypal in character can also have elements of compensation, prospective, reactive and somatic purposes. These dreams point powerfully to resolution of conflict, development, transition and impending growth. Amplification is particularly important in the interpretation of archetypal dreams. A series of dreams will point out the general direction that the unconscious is taking for the greatest growth. Personal amplification involves questioning what each dream element means to the dreamer. The dreamer makes associations to each of the images in the dream interconnecting them in all possible directions and in all possible correspondence and analogies. In this way the dreamer gains insight and also becomes acquainted with the contents of the Collective Unconscious and the Personal Unconscious. Knowledge and study of symbols, mythology, religion, scriptures and fairy tales is helpful in understanding archetypal dreams. An example of an Archetypal dream: A dreamer reported climbing to the top of a fours sided stepped structure to commune with God. This dream contained many numinous experiences and energies and the dreamer was deeply affected. Later the dreamer learned that the structure was a Mesopotamian ziggurat (Prayer Mound) of the fourth century B.C., of which she definitely had no previous conscious knowledge. While I do not advise that one use a symbol book to understand the symbols in your dreams I do know that the archetypal dreams have more universal roots and can be better understood with the use of symbol books that specialize in archetypal images. See Bibliography. Some important Archetypal images that appear in dreams are: Numbers: 3-4-7-12-40 are significant numbers that appear often. 3 is considered a transitional number, it can represent the Trinity, 4 is a number which can represents wholeness 7 is considered the perfect number or a sacred number it is a combination of 3 and 4 12 is seen often in scripture, 12 tribes, 12 apostles etc. 40 the days of Lent, Jesus' time in the desert, the 40 years the Israelites, spent wondering in the desert, can be interpreted as a time of formation and preparation. Colors have personal and universal meanings; white, red, blue and black are often significant to the dreamer or symbolic on a universal level. One can have a particular personal association to a color i.e., one's favorite color but then there are some colors that have universal symbolic meaning i.e. the color white symbolizes purity. Vehicles - represent ego energy in our culture. They represent a means of dealing with the world or moving in it. Usually can point to an issue of control. Who is driving the vehicle is important, i.e. Dreams of little red sports cars are fairly common. It is a personal vehicle of prestige and power which compensates for feelings of helplessness and anonymity in our society. Bus or trains are considered to be vehicles of collective values. Trains run on a track which confines the energy to one path. Animals can indicate the body or instinctual level as well as a traditional understanding of animals as symbols. i.e., dog for faithfulness, cats as feminine or as self sufficient, Lions as royal or powerful etc. A school or classroom can indicate learning, a new process, new growth or orientation. Houses can represent your ego home - ego self - where and how it resides. Sea or body of water - symbolize the unconscious Earthquake - significant change - upheaval This short list of dream images is only offered as a beginning reference point for some common images and to give an example of how some images can be viewed. I do not recommend the popular symbol books because they have a tendency to cause the dreamer to close off the necessary exploratory process of their own very personal dream images. One's own dream vocabulary will begin to emerge and should be noted compiled and recorded. Remember one can be sure that they have interpreted a dream correctly when they feel an inner visceral tingle or ( a ha! ) experience. A dream can have multiple meanings A Dream Example for your consideration. A young woman presented the following dream at her first session in counseling. "I remember being in an underground tunnel. The tunnel was very green and grassy on the outside. I was on the inside. A man was chasing me. He wanted to hold and kiss me, but I did not like him. I tried to get away from him. Then I saw someone riding a horse across some hills above the tunnel. The tunnel was then filled with people going to a religion class. I found a secret passageway out of the tunnel. It began to rain. Major symbols of the dream. Underground tunnel Grass Man Chase Embrace Horse Hills People in the tunnel Religion class secret passageway Rain Keep in mind that "befriending" the dream is more important than rushing to make interpretations. We listen to it, say it out loud, write it down, associate to it, try to amplify its symbols, note the feelings aroused in the dream and upon awakening, avoid making final interpretations and value and respect it as the messenger that it is. If we honor it in this way the dream will produce more meaning and other dreams will come. |
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what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreams help with dreamshelp with dreams, HELP WITH DREAMS !help with dreams! what do dreams mean, WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN !what do dreams mean! nightmare NIGHTMARE, !nightmare!, nightmares, dream interpretation dreams interpretationNIGHTMARES, !nightmares!,what does my dream mean, WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN, !what does my dream mean!,I need help with my dreams, analyze my dream, analyze my dreams